

CakeMake Muffins

Burlington homemade persian muffins
Burlington homemade persian muffins
Burlington homemade persian muffins
Burlington homemade persian muffins
Burlington homemade persian muffins
Burlington homemade persian muffins
Burlington homemade persian muffins
Burlington homemade persian muffins
Burlington homemade persian muffins


CakeMake Muffins

CakeMake Muffins

About the Business

Homemade in Burlington, this low sugar muffin is the Persian Muffin and so delicious! Everyone should try these once in their life!

Homemade in Burlington, this low sugar muffin is the Persian Muffin and so delicious! Everyone should try these once in their life!

Homemade in Burlington, this low sugar muffin is the Persian Muffin and so delicious! Everyone should try these once in their life!


Order online!


Hamilton, Halton, & Brant


Check back soon!


Muffin, Baking, Homemade